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Easy Go (Original title)
Date: 07 March 1974 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Michael Tuchner

Synopsis: A group of Deptford youngsters hang about by the River Thames on a hot day. When they and some nearby dockers spot a valuable copper boiler floating in the river the two rival factions try to get at it first. The youngsters succeed, but on their way to the totter's yard they are waylaid by the adults, who take the copper off them.

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 07 March 1974Broadcast channel: BBC1Country: United KingdomTransmission time: 21:25-22:15Slot duration: 50 minsNetwork - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Credits (15)
Production Company: BBC TV, Producer: Graeme McDonald, Script Editor: Ann Scott, Script: Brian Clark, Script: Ronnie King, Script: Cliff Norris, Script: Peter French, Script: Paul Stuart, Script: Paul Bishop, Script: Janice Reeves, Script: Tony Ali, Script: Deidre Walsh, Film cameraman: Philip Bonham-Carter, Designer: Sally Hulke
Cast (23)
Alun Armstrong (First docker), Robert Putt (Second docker), Reg Stewart (Totter), Jason Stuart (boy by arches), Denyse Alexander (housewife), Karen Groves (little girl), Frank Gentry (boy by river), Diana Van Proosdy (stallholder), Peter Needham (playground leader), Brian Vaughan (vicar), Eric Mason (publican), Eddie Davies, Harry Davis (pub customer), Frederick Radley (old mether), Graham Weston (policeman), Ronnie King, Cliff Norris, Peter French, Paul Bishop, Tony Ali, Paul Stuart, Deidre Walsh, Janice Reeves